2021 Election for Treasurer
The new treasurer will serve a two-year term beginning July 2021. The election will close June 11th at 5pm PST / 8pm EST.
Le nouveau trésorier assumera un mandat de deux ans à partir de juillet 2021. Le scrutin sera disponible jusqu’au 11 juin à 17h PST / 20h EST.
Candidate: Julie Landweber
Candidate Statement:
I am a relative newcomer to FCHS. I greatly enjoyed my first meeting in Montréal in 2019, but then of course Covid-19 prevented attendance at the 2020 meeting and there could not be a meeting in 2021. However, as a longtime attendee of the WSFH and the SFHS, I was delighted to find plenty of old friends at the Montréal FCHS meeting, and as well as make wonderful new acquaintances. The intellectual scope of the 2019 program was impressive, and the collegiality both during the panel sessions and at the various social gatherings struck me as remarkably warm and welcoming. I look forward to being able to regularly attend future meetings of the society, and am eager to contribute to furthering the success of the society as a supportive and affordable intellectual meeting place for all who work in the field of French colonial history. As FCHS Treasurer, I will place my strong organizational skills at the society’s disposal to ensure its finances stay in good shape during my tenure in office.
My faculty web page and cv are at: https://www.montclair.edu/profilepages/view_profile.php?username=landweberj
Please select the candidate of your choice, and click “Vote” to submit your ballot. Although you are logged in to your FCHS account, your response will be recorded anonymously. Veuillez indiquer votre choix de candidate, et cliquez “Vote” pour soumettre votre bulletin de vote. Bien que vous êtes connecté.e à votre profile SHCF, votre réponse sera enregistrée de façon anonyme.
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