Advisory Council
The Advisory Council consists of the officers, the editors of the journals, and some elected and appointed members.
Three-Year General Members
Two-Year General Members
One-Year General Members
Past Presidents
Ken Judd
Cars Hommes
Jasmina Arifovic
Thomas Lubik
Herbert Dawid
David Kendrick
Hans Amman
Berç Rustem
Stephen Turnovsky
Manfred Gilli
Carl Chiarella
Robert J. Tetlow
Michel Juillard
Past Secretary-Treasurers
The society was founded in 1995 and is a 501(c)3 organization. The By-Laws formally describe the Society.
1.0: Purpose and Scope
1.1: The name of the organization shall be the Society of Computational
1.2: The purpose of the Society shall be to promote computational methods in economics and finance. This shall include the usage of computers for the enhancement of research in economics, finance, game theory, regional science, urban economics, agricultural and resource economics, and related work in operations research, numerical analysis, statistics, computer science, and mathematics. The Society will encourage work on developing numerical methods in model solution and econometric computation, applying artificial intelligence and simulation methods in modelling economic behavior, developing techniques to exploit large scale and distributed-computing environments, developing programming and modelling languages, and creating software libraries and economic databases.
1.3: To pursue these objectives, the Society will sponsor an annual scientific conference, generally to be held in the summer months. The conference shall be structured, to the degree practicable, to include the research interests of all members of the Society and to encourage their participation. The site of the conference shall alternate, to the degree practicable, between Eastern and Western Hemisphere locations to promote international participation.
1.4: The Society will not lobby or take positions on any partisan issue. It shall be organized as a not for-profit scientific organization under the laws of the United States of America.
1.5: The term for which the Society is organized shall be perpetual.
2.0: Officers
2.1: The officers of the Society shall consist of a President and a Secretary-Treasurer.
2.2: The President shall serve as the chief executive of the Society, responsible for planning and supervising the Society’s activities and selecting the site for the annual conference.
2.3: The President shall be elected by a ballot of the membership for a term of two calendar years. The President may be reelected for any number of nonconsecutive terms.
2.4: The President shall appoint the Secretary-Treasurer, who will be responsible to keep membership information, collect membership fees, make records of official meetings, and correspond with the membership.
2.5: The President shall appoint the Program Chairperson for the conference. The Program Chairperson and the President together shall choose the remaining members of the Program Committee.
3.0: Advisory Council
3.1: There shall be an Advisory Council of fourteen members. The members shall be the President, the Secretary-Treasurer, the Editor of the Journal of Computational Economics, an editor of the JEDC chosen by the JEDC Editors, six elected members, the immediate past president, and three members appointed by the President. Any past president may attend an Advisory Council meeting in an advisory role. The President’s appointments are to be used to assure a Council representative of the diverse research interests of the Society’s membership. The terms of all elected and appointed members shall be three years with no limit on reelection or reappointment. These terms shall all be staggered. The Council’s primary role shall be to represent the diverse fields of interest and activity within the Society, and to advise the Society’s officers and membership on issues relating to the annual conference, on the Society’s relations with other scientific organizations, governmental bodies, and commercial enterprises, and any other issue related to the purpose of the Society, and any other activity of the Society.
3.2: The Council shall assist in preparing a slate of nominees for the Presidency and for the seats on the Council. All must be members of the Society.
3.3: If the office of the President shall become vacant, the Council shall appoint a successor to serve the remainder of the term.
3.4: The six elected members of the Council shall serve for three-year, staggered terms. If a seat on the Council becomes vacant, a replacement to serve for the remainder of the term shall be elected at the next regular election. Until that time, the President shall appoint a member.
3.5: The three appointed members of the Council shall serve for three-year, staggered terms. Vacancies will be filled by Presidential appointment.
4.0: Membership
4.1: Any individual with an interest in the Society’s purpose and scope may apply to the Secretary-Treasurer to become a member for the calendar year and shall be duly enrolled on payment of annual dues.
4.2: There shall be one class of membership. Membership dues shall be set by the President, with Advisory Council approval, at the minimum level required to support the Society’s activities.
5.0: Elections
5.1: All regular elections, by ballot of the membership of record of September 30, shall be conducted in December of each year by the Secretary-Treasurer. Two members of the Council shall be elected
at-large each year, plus any elections to fill vacant seats (or seats filled by a temporary appointment as in Section 3.4). The President shall be elected every other year. Short biographical sketches on the candidates shall be provided along with the ballots.
5.2: Any member may nominate him- or herself for a seat on the Council by application to the Secretary-Treasurer on or before the date specified for the close of nominations. Any member may place his or her name in nomination for the Presidency when he or she has the expressed support of ten per cent of the membership. Membership lists shall be made available for such purposes at cost.
5.3: Each member shall have one vote, and a simple plurality of ballots received shall be sufficient for election. In the case of a tie vote, the current Council shall vote to break the tie.
6.0: Business Meetings
6.1: The President may call, when he deems it necessary, a business meeting as part of the annual conference to consider whatever business shall come before the membership. The President, or in his or her absence the Secretary-Treasurer, or a member of the Advisory Council appointed by the President (in that order), shall preside over the meeting.
7.0: Provision for Amendment
Proposed amendments to the by-laws may be submitted by (1) any member, as long as the proposal includes signatures from 20% of the Society’s membership or 30 members, whichever is less or (2) any Council member. Proposed amendments meeting these requirements will be voted upon by the membership. A two-thirds majority of votes received is required for amendment.
8.0: Implementation of the By-Laws
These by-laws will go into effect November 1, 1995, at which date officer elections will take place among the membership.
Our major activity is our annual conference; it typically draws 300-400 participants.